Ionic 2 show loading when fetching from firebase

I want to show loading spinner when fetching data from firebase in ionic 2 and once loading is done, the spinner should close automatically. If an error is encountered while fetching from firebase,the error should be handled. Below is my code for now

`constructor(public app:App,public navCtrl: NavController, af: AngularFireOffline, public popoverCtrl: PopoverController, private alertCtrl: AlertController, public viewCtrl: ViewController, public platform: Platform, public loadingCtrl: LoadingController) { = af.database.list('/news');


Yeah, so what did you research and try until now?

At the moment I am using a loading controller with a timer set to 8 seconds…but it doesn’t throw any error if it can’t reach the firebase database

 constructor(public app:App,public navCtrl: NavController, af: AngularFireOffline, public popoverCtrl: PopoverController, private alertCtrl: AlertController, public viewCtrl: ViewController, public platform: Platform, public loadingCtrl: LoadingController) {

    let loader = this.loadingCtrl.create({
      content: "Loading News...",
      duration: 8000
    loader.present(); = af.database.list('/news');

af.list() returns a FirebaseListObservable. Set your loading message to dismiss once the Observable emits. Or convert the Observable into a Promise and dismiss the loading message once the Promise resolves. Don’t rely on timeouts; rely on acknowledgements.

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Something like this should point you in the right direction: => {
        // dismiss loader here
    (err) => {
     // or here, with an error log
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