IOnic 2 RC1: How to Upload photo from Gallery to server

uploadphoto() {

console.log(‘default’,“Its printed here the filename”)
let filename = this.imagePath.split(’/’).pop(); // this.image have data
let options = {
fileKey: “file”,
fileName: filename,
chunkedMode: false,
params:{‘id’: this.userId},
mimeType: “multipart/form-data”,
// headers:{‘formData’:formData}

const fileTransfer:FileTransferObject=this.transfer.create();

options).then((entry) => {
// this.imagePath = ‘’;
this.imageChosen = 0;
console.log(entry+“file Entry”);
// loader.dismiss();

}, (err) => {
 console.log("this is the error of file upload"+JSON.stringify(err));

} => {

  this.imagePath = imgUrl;
  console.log("BinaryImage: ", this.imagePath);

}, (err) => {
  console.log("this is the error which caused it:"+err);


but the above code didnt work.To post to the api it has only one param.I set it right,but its not working