Ionic 2 CameraPreview cordova plugin not in ionic-native

When I’m trying ti import the plugin like this:
import {CameraPreview} from 'ionic-native';
I’m getting … has not exported member ‘CameraPreview’.
How can I use this plugin:
or any other Cordova plugin that isn’t supported in ionic?

make sure your package.json is using version 1.3.9 of ionic-native. if not just edit it and do npm install again

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The problem was ionic-native update but even after the update
Error TS2339: Property 'setOnPictureTakenHandler' does not exist on type 'CameraPreview'

see logged issue here… feat(camera-preview): add camera-preview by rbouleau · Pull Request #301 · danielsogl/awesome-cordova-plugins · GitHub

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Do you have any experience using ionic v1 camera preview?

No I don’t. Sorry about that…

Hello Loved your video on camera plugin. DO you have any experience with the ionic version 1 camera preview.