Ionic 2 angular http get request loads the same data from remote storage

Hi everyone, I’m using ionic 2 angular http get request, I got data correctly for the first time load, but after making some changes to the remote server no changes appeared on app till I cleared cache data. So I wonder, others told me that the data has been cached but I don’t know how to overcome it, I tried to use observables so to get changes in real time but still the same… Your help please

One dirty hack solution: Add a random parameter to the URI you are requesting.

You Man u ar so Intelligent … I thought abt t but i was afraiding to try, then after ur reply i tried and it works…THanks much much ,God bless u …

This sounds like something that should get fixed on the server side.

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is it ? can it be because of headers ??

It’s hard to say more without seeing what exactly is going over the wire.

let me work on t, will let u know