Ionic 1.2 $ionicView events not working

I’vs just updated from 1.1.1 to 1.2.1 and $ionicView's events not firing at all. I coudnt find any point on $ionicView chages on blog page. So what was changed?

I made a little investigation to find out what cause the problem, and created and 2 pens(quite messy, sorry): 1.1.1, 1.2.1. As U can see in 1.1.1 the events iare catched in every place where is $on, but in 1.2.1 only in one ctrl(look like its last one for current state). So looks like a bug :slight_smile:

Same problem here. Events leave or beforeLeave not fired when switching between tabs.

I’ve posted this issue to offcial tracker on GitHb and it was added to milestones to 1.2.2.

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