Hi Everyone. I have the copy and paste from the ionic slider document of Vue Framework to make a slider on Init Before the test.
And I got the errors is say params does not exist ton type…
Hi Everyone. I have the copy and paste from the ionic slider document of Vue Framework to make a slider on Init Before the test.
And I got the errors is say params does not exist ton type…
The examples might be incorrect or maybe has changed? It looks like there is a getSwiper
method on IonSlides
Try this:
const swiper = await this.getSwiper()
swiper.params = {}
Oh yeah, this
is also probably just the Vue component instance too. To get access to the ion-slides
instance, you would need to use a ref
in order to access it within Vue.
Just tried this and it works.
<ion-slides ref="slides">
<!-- STUFF -->
setup() {
const slides = ref()
onMounted(async () => {
const swiper = await slides.value.$el.getSwiper()
return {
I just used onMounted
for a quick and dirty test. You should be able to do the same logic within your beforeInit
Hi @twestrick. I am thank you very much. Slider works well on the browser without any errors. But on the first post
const swiper = await this.getSwiper()
getSwiper() have the errors say doesn’t exist
By the way, I wanna many thanks for your help me out of stuck problems. But I have a question why sometimes slider will not working on mobile app after cross-platform. Please do you have any solution for the vue framework?
You’re weIcome! I am not 100% sure what you are asking. Can you post your full code of the Vue component?
I don’t think the following code will work. That was my first idea but pretty sure that doesn’t work. You have to go the ref
route that I outlined in my second reply.
const swiper = await this.getSwiper()
Hi @twestrick. I was got errors and I make images below for sure.
Actually, instead of put getSwiper() → this.
In my case with the aim for solved “Property ‘params’ does not exist”
I have a little bit change to my code below:
const slidesOptions = {
on: {
beforeInit: async function () {
const swiper: any = this
const overwriteParams = {
slidesPerView: 1.2,
spaceBetween: 10,
freeMode: true,
// this maybe help swiper not fired or
// not working after platform app to mobile (android: apk, ios: pad)
observer: true,
observeParents: true,
observeSlideChildren: true,
swiper.params = await Object.assign(swiper.params, overwriteParams);
swiper.originalParams = await Object.assign(swiper.originalParams, overwriteParams);
and this is my GitHub: GitHub - whitersun/accordion-list-images
The file will be in src/component/slider/slider001.vue
Maybe switch
beforeInit: async function () {
to an arrow function, so this
will refer to the vue instance instead of the function() {}
beforeInit: async () => {
Hi @dolthead, For me maybe function() {} with () => {} is the same thing. But sometimes it will be the array function. So make sure for this, I tried to switch the solution you mark above, and I got the result.
It got errors.
I think maybe inside on: {} it already helps us binds getSwiper() by ionic modify it. So that why the function unable to bind it for the second time. I used to try it from outside function and get work, but inside Options slider on: { function () {} } will got errors.
It’s okay. By the way, Thanks so much give me some idea to try.
This is good practice for me. Thanks