Ion slide not working when navigate back in ionic 4

Hi I am getting issue on ion slide when i navigate back to home page ion slides not working by default

Hi @mehraj7860 Can you please provide the code ?

@ViewChild('slides', { static:false }) slides: IonSlides;

 this.sliderThree =
      slidesItems: [
          id: "../../assets/images/market.jpg",
          id: "../../assets/images/mobile.jpg",
          name:"Shelcal 500"
          id: "../../assets/images/test.jpg",
          name:"Orofer Xt"
          id: "../../assets/images/market.jpg",
          name:"Dexorange Capsule"
          id: "../../assets/images/mobile.jpg",
          name:"Women's Horlicks"
          id: "../../assets/images/mobile.jpg",
          name:"Hair Shampoo Hair"
  async slideChange() {
    await this.slides.update();

Here is my html code

 <ion-slides [options]="option"  #slides  (ionSlideDidChange)="slideChange()">
          <ion-slide *ngFor="let item of sliderThree.slidesItems" style="width:90%;height:20vh;">
              <ion-card style="width:90%;height:20vh;
              overflow:hidden;border:1px solid grey;"  (click)="labTest()">
                  <img [src]="" style="width:100%;height:20vh;
                  display:-webkit-box;" alt="">

can you check this and let me know why its not sliding when i navigate back to same page

have you mentioned any property in Option… and exactly what issue you are facing when you navigate back.

  option = {
    slidesPerView: 1,
    spaceBetween: 10,
    centeredSlides: true,

this is my option i am facing problem only for ion slide default slide is not working when i navigate back

I think the problem with the initialslide and that you have not mentioned here, please mention and check if it works
initialSlide: 1

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not working i tried this also can you check with your system by using these code and let me know what changes i have to do…i am using ionic 4

its working fine for me… and why it is required to mention this as I am getting error after removing this from this.sliderThree it working fine.

Please refere this hope this helps you

public ionViewWillEnter(){

i tried this not working in ionic 4 and i declare slideThree:any in class so i am using this.slideThree