Ion slide-box css not updating while click side menu time

i’m using ionSlideTabs is working fine but when i click sidemenu time ion-slide tab css is not activated,before activated ion-slide tab css only displayed.suppose i slide in html page that time ion-slide tab css working fine

here my controller code:

 $scope.changeSlide = function (index,directoryName)
      console.log('Slide changed to ' + index);
    var data=  directoryName[index]
    if(data !=null){
      var directoryId =data.directoryId;
      data.dirId = directoryId;
      function getImages() {
        userService.getImages(data).then(function(response) {
            $scope.imageData = response;
            $scope.current = index;
        },function(error) {
      $scope.ready.push(index + ': ' + true);


<ion-content  scroll="false" style="top:0px;" >

    <ion-slide-box slide-tabs-scrollable="true" show-pager="false"
      bounce="false" ion-slide-tabs>
      <ion-slide ng-repeat="($index, catg) in directoryList track by $index" ng-class:"{'slidingTabs tab-indicator-wrapper tab-indicator' :'key==current'}"
       ion-slide-tab-label="{{catg.directoryName}}" >

          <div class="row gallery">
             <div class="col col-33" ng-repeat="element in imageData" ng-click="showImages($index)">
             <img ng-src="data:image/jpeg;base64,{{element.imagePath}}" width="100%" />



            {{menu.menuName}} &nbsp; <i class="icon" style="position: absolute;
right: 8%;" ng-class="isGroupShown(menu) ? 'ion-minus' : 'ion-plus'"></i>
          <ion-item class="item-accordion"
                    ng-repeat="($index, directories) in directoryList"
                    ng-show="isGroupShown(menu)" >