Ion-slide-box broken on Android 5.0

i am using ion-slide-box, and i freeze the movement up and down wile user slide and not leaving the screen.
it all went well until i updated my phone to 5.0, now i cannot freeze the up and down wile moving left and right.

  • this code is working 100% in all other versions - android
    here is the function i am using:

    $scope.canIScroll = true;
    $scope.onRelease = function (dataType) {
    $scope.canIScroll = true;
    $timeout(function(parameters) {
    $scope.canIScroll = true;
    }, 50);
    $scope.onDragLeft = function (dataType) {
    if ($scope.canIScroll) {
    $scope.canIScroll = false;
    $scope.onDragRight = function (dataType) {
    if ($scope.canIScroll) {
    $scope.canIScroll = false;
