Ion-select set icon color

I’m using
<ion-select> component and I would like to change the icon color but I’m not able to do this. How is it possible to customize it?

This is my code

 <ion-row >
      <ion-label text-right>Scegli punti di interesse</ion-label>
        <ion-select [(ngModel)] = "sort" (ionChange)="changeImageMap()">
          <ion-option value="1">Blu e nero</ion-option>
          <ion-option value="2">Rosso</ion-option>
          <ion-option value="3">Blu</ion-option>

And this is the result.

I would like to change the icon’s color like that for example:

Is it possible?
I’ve tried to change the css of the component but nothing worked.

Thank you.


ion-select {
  .select-icon {
    .select-icon-inner {
       color : red !important;
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thank you so much! this works!

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No. Its not working on ionic 4.


This solution not working on ionic 4.
Please update if you have solution regarding this icon color

ionic5 not work, please update

This question just for Ionic 3.

In Ionic v4/v5 you can use
ion-select::part(icon) { color: red !important; }