Ion-nav-view has no children after $state.go

We use ionic framework within an cordova app mainly on android devices.
We face some strange behaviour: sometimes when we switch the view using


the old ion-view DOM element gets removed from it parent ion-nav-view but the new ion-view does not get appended. Executing


does append the current ion-view to the ion-nav-view parent again.
Caching and animations are turned of.

a little codepen would be nice to see your states and routings.

Does not recognized this behave in my apps.

Sample situation

Problem is that it only occurs on android devices not in a desktop browser.
We faced that behaviour e. g. when

  • app is put to background
  • wifi is turned off
  • wifi is turned on again
  • resume to app
  • wait till cordova-plugin-network-information recognized wifi connection
  • switch view, or do a $state.reload()

There might be other cases and and it might depend on cordova web view.

How $state is configured?

In main ng module:

angular.module("app", ["app.lib", "app.features"])
.config(function ($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider) {
    // if none of the above states are matched, use this as the fallback

Than in some other angular module:

    .config(function ($stateProvider) {
            .state('login_user', {
                url:         "/login_user",
                templateUrl: "js/features/login_user/start/login_user.html",
                controller:  'login_userController as vm'

I had a look into the $state source to check were the from ion-view element is removed from its parent ion-nav-view and where the new ion-nav child is appended. If I know that I can try to set a breakpoint and debug.

Maybe you can give me some help to find the places in code.

Today I made some further investigations using MutationObserver:


var $rootScope = angular.element(document.body).injector().get("$rootScope");

$rootScope.$on('$stateChangeSuccess', function(event, toState, toParams, fromState, fromParams) {
     console.log('--> entering',, 'with', toState.controller, '(from:',, ')');

var target = document.body.getElementsByTagName("ion-nav-view")[0];

var config = {
    childList: true

var observer = new MutationObserver(function(mutations) {
    mutations.forEach(function(mutation) {
        console.log("Type:", mutation.type);
        console.log("addedNodes:", mutation.addedNodes);
        console.log("removedNodes:", mutation.removedNodes);

observer.observe(target, config);


entering login_user with login_userController as vm (from: start ) 
login_userController login_user
Type: childList
target: <ion-nav-view class=​"view-container" nav-view-transition=​"none" nav-view-direction=​"forward" nav-swipe>​</ion-nav-view>​
target.children: [ion-view.pane, ion-view.pane, item: function, namedItem: function]
target.children.length: 2
addedNodes: [ion-view.pane, item: function]
removedNodes: [item: function]
Type: childList
target: <ion-nav-view class=​"view-container" nav-view-transition=​"none" nav-view-direction=​"forward" nav-swipe>​</ion-nav-view>​
target.children: [item: function, namedItem: function]
target.children.length: 0
addedNodes: [item: function]
removedNodes: [ion-view.pane, item: function]
Type: childList
target: <ion-nav-view class=​"view-container" nav-view-transition=​"none" nav-view-direction=​"forward" nav-swipe>​</ion-nav-view>​
target.children: [item: function, namedItem: function]
target.children.length: 0
addedNodes: [item: function]
removedNodes: [ion-view.pane, item: function]


Is this case that does occure onyl sometimes both childs ion-view get removed.
$stateChangeSuccess is triggered before any DOM element operation is executed.