'ion-multi-picker' has erros on ionic 4

ERROR in ./node_modules/ion-multi-picker/dist/components/multi-picker/multi-picker.js
[ng] Module not found: Error: Can’t resolve ‘ionic-angular’ in ‘/Users/Allen/app/HoldingHands/node_modules/ion-multi-picker/dist/components/multi-picker’.

because this: import { PickerController, Form, Item, PickerColumn, PickerCmp, PickerColumnCmp } from ‘ionic-angular’;

How can fix it?

I mean how to import PickerController, Form, Item, PickerColumn, PickerCmp, PickerColumnCmp this, some of doesn’t exist when use ionic 4.

Read the migration doc.

I do not know, if all of the components are still there, but you need to change your import.