i have a very strange problem.
I have an ion-searchbar, which calls a function “getItem()” onInput.
getItem() uses the google.PlacesService to retrieve the places/addresses which match my searchbar input.
Inside the callback function from PlacesService.textSearch(query, callback) i push() all found places to an array “items[]” which i use in <ion-item *ngFor="let item of items" >
, to list the results.
Now The Problem:
The ion-list does not get automaticly updated/refreshed when i add a new item to the items[] array.I have to klick with my mouse anywhere on the screen, to “refresh” the list.
This only happens, if i push() values to the items[] array from inside a callback-function. If i push() values from a normal function, the ion-list gets updated instantly (as it should),
var service = new google.maps.places.PlacesService(this.gmap.getMap());
getItems(value) {
this.items = []; // This is "bound" to an ion-item element with *ngFor="let item of items"
if (value.value != "") {
query: value.value
}, this.callback);
callback (results, status) {
if (status === google.maps.places.PlacesServiceStatus.OK) {
for (var i = 0; i < results.length; i++) {
Does anyone had this Problem too ? Is there any way i can “fix” this ?
Thank you