Ion item with checkbox

Hello, I want to get a list of states with two ckeckbox inside each item, for eg ; a list of company and every company has two checkbox : SMS and Email.
I try this code, but it doesn’t work perfectly:

<ion-content padding>

          <ion-item *ngFor="let gp of groups">
            <ion-label> {{gp}}</ion-label>
              <ion-col col-md-3>
                <ion-checkbox [(ngModel)]="sms"></ion-checkbox>
              <ion-col col-md-3>
                <ion-checkbox [(ngModel)]="email"></ion-checkbox>


This is what I get :

Move your ngFor to:

<ion-content padding>

        <ion-row *ngFor="let gp of groups">
          <ion-item >
            <ion-label> {{gp}}</ion-label>
              <ion-col col-md-3>
                <ion-checkbox [(ngModel)]="sms"></ion-checkbox>
              <ion-col col-md-3>
                <ion-checkbox [(ngModel)]="email"></ion-checkbox>


Thank you so much.
But I have an other question, can I get the selected item without ngModel??

Why not ngModel?
What are you trying to do?

Hello, with the previous code, if I choose sms of one item, all the items will be selected.
This is what I get:
when I deleted ngModel, only one item is selected.

Bind to something underneath each group in order to separate them, instead of binding to an object property of the controller itself.

Hello, Thank you for your help.
I tried to apply your advice, but I’m still stuck. This is the html:

<ion-content padding>
    <ion-grid >
      <ion-list >
        <ion-row *ngFor="let state of states" ([ngModel])="notifMode">
          <ion-item >
            <ion-label> {{state}}</ion-label>
          <ion-grid >
            <ion-row item-content>
              <ion-col col-md-3 class="align-text-middle">
                <ion-label  >SMS</ion-label>
                <ion-checkbox (ionChange)="onChangeSms()"  ></ion-checkbox>
              <ion-col col-md-3 class="align-text-middle">
                <ion-label >Email</ion-label>
                <ion-checkbox (ionChange)="onChangeEmail()" ></ion-checkbox>
    <button ion-button outline  (click)="setNotifMode()">Next</button>

this is the component

notifMode : NotifMode;
 smsChecked : boolean ;
 emailChecked : boolean ;
constructor(public navCtrl: NavController, public navParams: NavParams) {
onChangeSms() {
    this.smsChecked = !this.smsChecked;
    console.log('sms checked:' + this.smsChecked);

  onChangeEmail() {    
   this.emailChecked = !this.emailChecked;
    console.log('email checked:' + this.emailChecked);
    for(let state of this.states){
      let obj = {
        "state" : state,
        "sms" : this.smsChecked,
        "email" : this.emailChecked,
      this.notifMode = obj;

But I got always this pb:
the result in the console:

any help please :worried: