Ion-item content slides under ion-item-options before closing

When I slide my ion-item to close (to the right), the content slides under the ion-item-options before closing. This results in a poor UX experience as it does not look like a smooth transition. It is not working as it does in the ionic docs. How can I fix this so that when the user slides the item to close (to the right), the options (the icons) disappear before the content gets to it?

Can you put up your code? I got your point what you are saying

Hey achakra21 - I think I found a work around. Looks like by default the ion-item background is set to transparent. I changed the background to match the page background like this:

ion-item {
–background: #424851;

–background: #424851;

Works for me at the moment. Thanks for responding!

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