Ion-input make grid disappearing!?

I hav this ion-item. When I Change input to ion-input the whole grid disappear.

Is it a bug or a feature?

        <ion-col col-1>
        <ion-col col-9 class="placeholder-profile">
          <div class="category-image">
            <img [src]="profileImageUrl" style="display: block; width: 10%; height: auto; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;">
        <ion-col col-2 class="placeholder-profile">
          <input type="file" accept="image/*" (change)="changeListener($event)"/>

Sort of neither. I would describe it more as a “reality”. Anything unusual placed as a child of an <ion-item> (such as your ion-grid) needs a placement directive: either item-start, item-content or item-end.

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Thank’s rapropos it works.

Of Course it works, but where can I found Information like this? And please don’t say in the docs.

    <ion-grid item-content>
        <ion-col col-1>

Err, umm, in the…umm. See the section “Item Placement”.

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:see_no_evil: Ok I start reading the docs again. :relieved: