Ion-header height too tall on iPhone 15

This just started happening to me when I used a new device (iPhone 15, ios 17.4).
It works fine on: iPhone 8, iPhone SE, web browser, Android (have not tested on a large Android device).
I have not changed any code. It may have always had this issue on larger iPhones but I don’t think so.

I am running @ionic/angular": “^6.4.2”

Have you inspected in DevTools to see where the space is coming from? My guess is safe area padding.

I’m not sure how to do that when it is running on an iOS mobile device.
I will have a google.

I’m sure you found it by Googling, but I mention how to over here Capacitor Javascript Chart.js - #2 by twestrick

Thanks for that. Got it sorted using this in the global.scss

ion-header ion-toolbar:first-of-type {
  padding-top: 0!important; 