Hey there. Can anyone tell me if it is possible to use ion-datetime together with the formbuilder and min/max. I tried to but whenever I add max or min the corresponding FormControl always validates to invalid.
No unfortunately this doesn’t work either. I tried the format you suggested above. I also tried to leave out the displayFormat, still the FormControl is always invalid. Looking at the FormControl in Chrome-DevTools I can see the following in the Controls errors array.
So to me it look like FormBuilder is adding its own Validators for min and max which can’t seem to handle the ISO8601-String the ion-datetime produces.
I solved it while putting together a sample project to post here. The Problem seems to be caused by https://www.npmjs.com/package/ng2-validation which I used. If I take this out everthing works fine. Thanks for pushing me in the right direction.
I am still seeing this issue and don’t have that external validation package being used. Any include of a max or min property causes the control to be invalid in formbuilder.