Ion-content does not show anything in it - just a blank white screen

Hi All,

I built an app that works fine in the browser, but when I run it on my device or in ios emulator, nothing shows up. I have looked in the inspector, and the ion-content directive takes up the whole screen. But amazingly somehow the contents in it do not show up! If anbody has any idea why this is I would appreciate the help! The following code it taken directly from safari inspector inspecting the ios simulator.

<ion-content has-header="true" scroll="false" class="pane scroll-content ionic-scroll scroll-content-false" nav-view="active" style="-webkit-transition: 0ms; transition: 0ms; opacity: 1; -webkit-transform: translate3d(0%, 0px, 0px);">
<h1>Login Page!</h1>
<!--    <blaze-template name="loginButtons"></blaze-template>-->
<div id="login-buttons" ng-hide="$root.currentUser" class="">
    <div class="login-text-and-button">
        <div class="login-button single-login-button" id="login-buttons-facebook">
            <div class="login-image" id="login-buttons-image-facebook"></div>
            <span id="sign-in-facebook" class="text-besides-image sign-in-text-facebook" ng-click="facebookSignIn()">Sign in with Facebook</span>
    <div class="login-text-and-button">
        <div class="login-button single-login-button" id="login-buttons-twitter">
            <div class="login-image" id="login-buttons-image-twitter"></div>
            <span id="sign-in-twitter" class="text-besides-image sign-in-text-twitter" ng-click="twitterSignIn()">Sign in with Twitter</span>
<a href="#" ng-show="$root.currentUser" ng-click="signOut()" class="ng-hide">Sign out</a>
<a href="/#/sign-up" class="item-icon-left ng-hide" ng-show="$root.currentUser" menu-close=""> Go to Profile Questions!</a>

Did you get any solution? i have the same problem…