Vertical align only works with display: table-cell when it’s parent is display: table.
Maybe you might want to try other attributes like padding-top: 10px; or margin-top: 10px; this will push your content and you can get the effect of vertical align (if your content height is not variable).
Another nice approach with text can be setting line-height to the text. (Line-height can have values in %)
I tried everything and it seems adding margin-top:‘10px’ or padding-top:‘10px’ cancel the style…
I applied that :
ng-style="{height:‘45’, margin-top:‘10px’}" or
ng-style="{height:‘45’, padding-top:‘10px’}"
Apply the styles in the css CSS files and not via ng-style.
You can check in Chrome “inspect element” if the rules have been applied correctly. If no, you can always use !important.