I am using the ionic version 5.4.16 in which the ion-back-button is not showing when navigating . In older version like ionic 3 back button functionality was working fine. What will do to solve the issue?
Code Sample:
I am using the ionic version 5.4.16 in which the ion-back-button is not showing when navigating . In older version like ionic 3 back button functionality was working fine. What will do to solve the issue?
Code Sample:
defaultHref is the functionality from anywhere i click the back button it will go to the page specified in default href . But i don’t want that functionality. I need the back button functionality with history pages.
just use defaultHref="#" don’t add any functionality.
Added defaultHref="#" and when clicks its is just adding the # with the base url and as per my routing feature it will go the default home page. This is not a back option with history.
doc says it should recognize the history…
as a work around you can add (click) a method which calls window.back()