Invalid SSL certificate with cordova-plugin-crosswalk-webview

For our app I have to use the crosswalk webview, latest version 2.3.0. The problem is we have to use a SSL connection for https and wss calls, but there is not a trusted certificate.

On every request we make over https we get a TOAST message (which in my opinion does not came from IONIC but from cordova plugin) “Request was denied for security.”


We have a not trusted SSL certificate and I think this should be the problem! But I’m not able to resolve the problem, I tried many thinks like this

This is a very urgent problem, perhaps someone from the ionic team can help me? @brandyshea @mhartington

The toast is actually from Android it self, so it’s happening at the browser level. To be fair, the best/correct way to resolve this would be to get a trusted ssl certificated.

Both Android and iOS have been cracking down on accessing non-secure resources.

@mhartington okay thx you very much. Tomorrow I will install a valid certificate!! thx you so much for your help as always!

For anybody else in this situation, I recommend Let’s Encrypt.

Yes we also use Let’s encrypt :slight_smile: the only problem was to install this to the hardware I need support of our hardware team which will take several days :slight_smile:

thx to everyone

So the SSL certificate from this place is free?
If I use it in my web app Chrome will not say it is an untrusted certificate?

Yes and yes and padding.

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Another good one is, they’re who I use and I never have any downtime, slow connections, certificate issues or anything. Gets the job best to it’s abilities in my opinion.

We can not use LET’s encrypt on a LOCAL hardware. We have a gateway and have a ionic software which is configuring the gateway. So this is an embedded solution and not a WEB solution.

So all this is not a solution for us, but we found a workaround on the problem. If we have a solution for it we would like to share it here!

You can use probably Android’s Network Security Configuration to support self signed certificates,, at the moment none of us was able to get it work.

I would like to open later a new post to discuss this and close this thread.

Hello I’m new here. I’ve a ssl certification error while lunching my app(capacitor).
I tried everything I found here( Android’s Network Security ) but till now it didn’t work.
here is the error:
I/X509Util: Failed to validate the certificate chain, error: Trust anchor for certification path not found.
E/chromium: [] handshake failed; returned -1, SSL error code 1, net_error -202.
I got the error after public key generated. need help please.

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How did you solve this problem? I have the same issue here.

hello to try this. In your Add the sslReceidError méthode to the webview client.

You will find the class in capacitor-android/java/util. Add the onReceivedSslError method. Like this: public void onReceivedSslError(Webview view,SslErrorHandler handler, SslError error){ handler.proceed(); }

You’ll add this method in webview.setWebViewClient(new WebviewClie

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I tried this:

  1. Get the certificates from the server (your_certificate.pem) and generate .crt file.
  2. Put your_certificate.crt file in /your-app/android/app/src/main/res/raw/
  3. Add the file network_security_config.xml in /your-app/android/app/src/main/res/xml/

File network_security_config.xml:

    <base-config cleartextTrafficPermitted="false">
            <certificates src="@raw/your_certificate"/>
            <certificates src="system"/>
        <trust-anchors cleartextTrafficPermitted="false">
            <certificates src="@raw/your_certificate"/>
            <certificates src="system"/>

I have this structure because i use ionic 3 + Capacitor.