Input validation in Ionic

Hi All,

I understand the benefits of Forms, Form Builder and Validators. I want to understand if there is a simpler validation technique in Ionic itself which can validate email, name, phone, location etc

Any guide shall be cool for me


You must first understand that Formbuilder and FormGroups will validate all of inputs. So, your input will be invalid until all rules are ok (as all inputs)…
This is a bit of pain, if you have optional fields in a group.
The answer is to keep some fields out of validation in FormGroup.

It’s not a bug, it’s a feature, if you use FormBuilder, it expect all of the inputs to be checked to true or false. There is no optional check:(

I agree. Therefore, I need more modular validator for my input fields. Any idea how I can do that? Let’s say name, email or phone?

I found a way to use non-compulsory fields inside of a formGroup, but it’s basic with ng controls.