I’m trying to create a component to use in my app, but when I try to use @Input it breaks, returning the error: “Unexpected token”.
My code:
import {Component, Input} from 'angular2/core';
import {IONIC_DIRECTIVES} from 'ionic-angular';
selector: 'review',
templateUrl: 'build/pages/bars/review/review.html',
directives: [IONIC_DIRECTIVES]
export class Review {
@Input() private steps: string;
constructor() {
Is this a typescript app or es6?
Anyway you could isolate the component to a more complete example we could look at?
It is es6. I found out that the syntax I’m using is ts, but I haven’t found the js syntax.
The complete code:
import {Component, Input} from 'angular2/core';
import {IONIC_DIRECTIVES} from 'ionic-angular';
selector: 'review',
templateUrl: 'build/pages/bars/review/review.html',
directives: [IONIC_DIRECTIVES]
export class Review {
@Input() steps;
constructor() {
this.passos = steps;
this.maxPasso = this.passos.length - 1;
this.numeroPasso = 0;
this.passo = this.passos[this.numeroPasso];
proximoPasso() {
this.numeroPasso = this.numeroPasso + 1;
this.passo = this.passos[this.numeroPasso];
voltarPasso() {
this.numeroPasso = this.numeroPasso - 1;
this.passo = this.passos[this.numeroPasso];
So in es6, you’d probably want to do
selector: 'review',
templateUrl: 'build/pages/bars/review/review.html',
directives: [IONIC_DIRECTIVES],
inputs: ['steps']
export class Review {
You can see this here.
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It works
! Thank you very much for your help!