Inject factory into run with $ionicPlatform error?

angular.module(‘starter’, [‘ionic’, ‘starter.controllers’])

.run(function($ionicPlatform,admobService) {
$ionicPlatform.ready(function() {

if (window.cordova && window.cordova.plugins.Keyboard) {
if (window.StatusBar) {
  // org.apache.cordova.statusbar required



var admobid = {};
if( /(android)/i.test(navigator.userAgent) ){ // for android
admobid = {
banner: ‘ca-app-pub-3815248714018431/123456’

return {
    createAdmobBanner: function(){
        AdMob.createBanner({ adId:admobid.banner
                              adSize: 'SMART_BANNER',


I want to call the createAdmobBanner function in my controllers but the plugin have to be run in the ionicPlatformReady in order to work, so I have to create a factory, but I got an error when try to injecting it into the run(), what the heck?