Infinite reload of current state

Hi I have been using ionic for a while, everything worked fine until recently I encountered a strange issue.

When I enter into a specific state in mobile or in a browser that state keeps on reloading again and again automatically.
.state('app.milestone', { url: '/milestone/list/', resolve : { past : function (Session, milestonesService) { var userId = Session.getUser().userId; var date = moment().locale('en').format('YYYY-MM-DD'); var milestone = milestonesService.getPast(userId, date, 1 ,{"loading" : false}); return milestone; }, future : function (Session, milestonesService) { var userId = Session.getUser().userId; var date = moment().locale('en').format('YYYY-MM-DD'); return milestonesService.getFuture(userId, date, 1, {"loading" : false}); }, }, views: { 'menuContent': { templateUrl : 'app/milestone/milestone.html', controller : 'milestoneController as vm' } } })

The above is the state definition.

`var restore = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('userdata'));
            var otherwise = "";
            if(restore) {
                if (restore.userId) {
                    otherwise = 'app/recent/list';
                } else {
                    otherwise = '/login';
            }else {
                otherwise = '/login';

This is the otherwise declaration. I google many things and can’t find any similar issues or solution. I added some debug to the ui-router and what I got is below.

$stateChangeStart to undefined- fired when the transition begins. toState,toParams : 
 Object {url: "/milestone/list/", resolve: Object, views: Object, name: "app.milestone"} Object {}

$stateChangeSuccess to app.milestone- fired once the state transition is complete.

is there anyone who encountered any similar issue? Please help me.

NOTE : I used two ionic scrolls inside an ionic content on the view of this state, if that helps in anyway