I have a array that i as showing using ion select, user need to select value from it (and can select only one value)
But when my ion select popover comes up, the popover screen is so small that it can’t show my values from array propely
When I am done selecting, and popover is close, the values are displaying correctly
So how to increase the popover of ion select? I want to make its width to screen - width
Here is my html code:
X Inventory Management System
Select Branch Name
<ion-label>Operating System</ion-label>
<ion-select ok-text="Okay" cancel-text="Nah">
<div *ngFor="let companyName of allCompaniesName">
<ion-select-option value={{companyName}}>{{companyName}}</ion-select-option>
Select Financial Year
<ion-label>Operating System</ion-label>
<ion-select ok-text="Okay" cancel-text="Nah" fullscreen>
<div *ngFor="let yearDescription of allYearsDescription">
<ion-select-option value={{yearDescription}}>{{yearDescription}}</ion-select-option>