InAppBrowser compatibility in landscape mode (iOS)

When I combine the latest Capacitor (v2.4.6) with the Cordova plugin InAppBrowser (cordova-plugin-inappbrowser v4.1.0) the orientation change does not work (from portrait to landscape). It’s impossible for me to use the integrated Browser plugin from Capacitor, because I need specific functions from the InAppBrowser plugin (like injection of JS/CSS/Cookies).

I have created a simple project (default Tabs project from Ionic), that opens InAppBrowser on startup. You can see, the toolbar rotates, but the Capacitor website is still in portrait mode.

Can someone help me out? Or is there something similar to use?

@edskeizer , I have the exact same problem. Did you manage to find a solution for this issue?

Hi @ikleiman, no I managed to work around the issue and use Capacitors default Browser plugin. But, still this is an annoying issue…

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