In put type date min not working in ios

I have created an html input type as:

<div class="full-width" data-tap-disabled="true">
  <input type="date" id="choose-date" class="no-padding-imp no-margin" ng-model="date.selectedDate" name="date" min="{{currentDate}}" ng-class="{'hidden' : date.selectedDate}" ng-change="showScheduler()">

But its min attribute is not working in ios devices although it is working in android devices.


Same problem.
Did you find a solution ?

yeah I set the current date in my controller in this format

$scope.currentDate = moment().format('YYYY-MM-DD');

<input type="date" id="choose-date" class="no-padding-imp no-margin" ng-model="date.selectedDate" name="date" min="{{currentDate}}" ng-class="{'hidden' : date.selectedDate}" ng-change="showScheduler()">

and it worked