[I4] Refresher not shown in content when used inside a component

Hi All,

I’m bulinding an ionic 4 app in which I have several pages which can refresh to update some data. For all pages the refresh functionality is the same. So, in order to save code I’ve isolated the ion-refresher component onto a component of my own which I could use on any page to be refreshed. The problem is When doing so the refresher is present but it isn’t shown over the ion-content tag. Basically what I did was;


<ion-refresher (ionRefresh)="doRefresh($event)">
    <ion-refresher-content refreshingSpinner="dots"></ion-refresher-content>

Page component.html

            .... some content

The resulting view isn’t the expected one, and the problem here as I understand is that the shadow dom that the ion-content generates, has a different style when pulling to refresh. Here on the screenshot below you can see how the inner div from the ion-content gets a translateY of 60px (this is added dynamically while pulling to refresh). Before, when setting the ion-refresher directly on the page component this didn’t happen when pulling to refresh.


Any hint on how could I solve this? Thanks a lot!

Can you post the same images when the component is not used and the refresher is added locally?

Hi Geoff.

Originally to achieve the image shown before, then I had to add some style to the refresher component itself

    display: block;
    position: relative;
    height: 60px;

When having the ionic refresher local to the page component then the view is the following:

    <ion-refresher (ionRefresh)="doRefresh($event)">
        <ion-refresher-content refreshingSpinner="dots"></ion-refresher-content>
            .... some content

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Thanks for the info. I had a similar problem trying to encapsulate the ion-refresher but only needed to put this in my refresher-component.scss file to get it to work.

ion-refresher {
position: relative;