I need Overlays

Is there any Overlays can i do it using ionic framework.
If any demo it would be helpful like

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Right now, the only overlay is the Loading service.


Right now, the Loading service is pretty limited in functionality. It’s not very customizable. However, there are a few Issues and Pull Requests asking for improvements.

The overlay you link to it more like a pop-up or dialog than the Ionic Loading indicator. There are a few requests in for this feature already.

In the meantime, you may what to consider using the native dialog service via PhoneGap.

Im looking for this too. I need an overlay for instructions, like when you access an android phone for the first time.

Checking http://ionicframework.com/docs/api/service/$ionicLoading/ and seem that we can use some html template there… Some tests must be made :slight_smile:

Is this still the only overlay?

@sidferreira Is there any success for you on this ? As I am also finding a way to show help overlay on first time after install.

@gaurav http://ionicframework.com/docs/api/service/$ionicBackdrop/

@sidferreira: Any example of it ? Actually I am not sure how that icons to be place on the backdrop. Also, after clicking on it next backdrop comes with next set of instructions.

No examples, sorry. Maybe you need to create a modal with a slider and transparent background (so the backdrop shows up)

I just tried to create a sample here: http://codepen.io/anon/pen/NqoPOo

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Thanks a lot @sidferreira. It really helped me :slight_smile:

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