Hello I have a form which requests mail, confirm mail, password and confirm password. I currently control a simple validation that is with the formbuilder.group which makes it required. I want to be able to confirm the email and the password
export class RegisterPage {
form: FormGroup;
constructor(fb: FormBuilder) {
this.form = fb.group({
'pwd1': ['', Validators.required],
'pwd2': ['', Validators.required]
}, {validator: RegisterPage.passwordsMatch});
static passwordsMatch(cg: FormGroup): {[err: string]: any} {
let pwd1 = cg.get('pwd1');
let pwd2 = cg.get('pwd2');
let rv: {[error: string]: any} = {};
if ((pwd1.touched || pwd2.touched) && pwd1.value !== pwd2.value) {
rv['passwordMismatch'] = true;
return rv;
Edited, see if that works. That code was a collage from a couple of different validators that had differing types for that return value.
works great, just edit the variables and done!
You can also check this repo which is an Ionic 3 example app to learn how to handle Forms and Validations and has a Password (and confirmation) example: https://github.com/ionicthemes/ionic2-form-handling-and-validations
Hope it helps
and how to message it to view page?
Sorry, but I have no clue what that means at all.