I need a Datepicker!

i would like to use a datepicker into my app like in the picture :

is there any plugin that i can install that i can customize to look like that ?

hi @cracker90

you can try this it was ionic component.

below plugin look like that


The second one seems to be an ionic 1 plugin, i am using ionic 3, also i don’t need it in a modal.

try this plugin date-picker

to be honest i didn’t succeed in getting that plugin to work, and when i looked at the source code, i found that it uses the native datepickers, and it won’t work on the browser, i have to use the emulator to get it to work, and i am not sure if it’s customizable.
i found this one though on the marketplace for ionic 1 :

does anyone kno how to implement it on ionic 3?

have you try this one ?


oh! interesting, hirenkorat, it seems perfect !! i will try it out and let yout know.
Thanks a LOT !


i tried it and it works like a charm, thanks.

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If anyone looking for IONIC 4 date picker component then here is the link

Preview :-