I have a dynamic check box list i want to show a text box based on checked box

I have a dynamic check box list i want to show a text box based on checked value . but text box is showing fine but how can i get the data from text box

 **below is my html code** 
<div  *ngFor="let member of offer_category; let i =index" >
    <ion-label>{{member.category_name }}</ion-label>
    <ion-checkbox color="dark" (click)="selectMember(member,i)" [(ngModel)]="member.checked" [ngModelOptions]="{standalone: true}"></ion-checkbox>
<ion-input type="text" *ngIf="member.checked" [(ngModel)]="value[i].value" ></ion-input>


Please help me out

try assigning the value pass through selectMember function

to a new variable and display the variable value as [(ngModel)]=“variable”

hope it helps

Thanks for your reply. i have solved the issues