Hi all ! Could anyone suggest please, how to check situation when apache crashed or another server for example ? How to handle such an error ? It dose not working …
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const data = JSON.stringify({u: user.username, p: user.password });
this.http.post(this.actions.login, data).subscribe(data => {
err => this.logError(err),
() => console.log('Fetching complete for Server Metrics')
err => {
console.log("ERROR!: ", err);
console.log(“some error”);
You can add this function to handle timeout :
this.http.post(this.actions.login, data).timeout(3003, new Error('Timeout')).subscribe(data => {
ArnaudDev, good day! Can we do something after timeout ? If for example we do not have response 20 second, show error message ?
I think so, you throw a specific error (timeout), in the error function you can maybe test it ?
err => {
if (err == 'timeout') {
//show alert for timeout
else {
console.log("ERROR!: ", err);
be careful, you must import
import 'rxjs/add/operator/timeout';
or it won’t work 
ArnaudDev, I will try now !
ArnaudDev, It is working, thanks a lot !
ArnaudDev, a little question… could be such kind mistake ?
Property 'timeout' does not exist on type 'Promise<any>'.
yes this function (timeout) is only available for observable not promise
ArnaudDev, I can not use timeout in such kind code ?
Update(model_ext, include, data, iter, ext_id, page):Promise<any> {
return new Promise((resolve, reject)=> {
Not exist other way check server crashed ?
Why are you explicitly instantiating a promise?
rapropos, to use function Update as promise with .then.
You already have a perfectly serviceable Observable that Angular’s Http service has given you, that has error-handling capabilities that apparently do what you want to do. Just work with that. Don’t create needless Promises. I know that you see this code idiom all over the forums and web searches, but it’s bad, for many reasons. One major one is particularly relevant here: it doesn’t propagate errors properly.
rapropos, thanks for answer, but I don’t understand what I need to do with my code to catch crashed server.