Does anyone know what has changed in the latest version of Angular with regards to http and/or the observable it returns? I’ve just upgraded my Ionic 2 app from alpha40 to alpha46 and the code below (which worked ok in 40) no longer works in 46. I get an error of "undefined is not a function near ‘.timeout(5000)’. I’m not sure what function the error is referring to. I tried removing the timeout line but that didn’t fix it. I also removed the call to loginResult() and I still got the error. And I also removed the .map and that didn’t fix it either. I’m a bit stumped!
login(credentials) {
var username = credentials.username;
var password = credentials.password;
var parms = "Username=" + username + "&Password=" + password;, parms, {
headers: { 'cache-control':'no-cache','Accept':'application/json','content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' }
.map((res: Response) => res.text())
res => this.loginResult(res),
err => this.loginError(err),
() => console.log('Login Complete')
loginResult(res) {
console.log('Login Result');
loginError(err) {
console.log('Login Error');