i had this method as
$http({method: ‘GET’, url: url_to }).
and the success and error callbacks fine, now it only enters to the error, and the error its null.
its like http.get broken, i updated to latest beta 13, not sure, it seems this is more of angular maybe, i tried the usual even deleting all the platforms and installing all the plugins again but nothing, i am stuck here, any help appreciated if somebody had the same issue.
i tried changing it with promises, like this:
$http({method: ‘GET’, url: url_to }).then(function(data) {
but the same, this one trows me this if i print the data in the error callback:
l]=someone@somewhere.com&filter[active]=1&filter[passwd]=4basdsdsadsadsad2994696b70c2”,“headers”:{“Accept”:“application/json, text/
plain, /”,“Authorization”:“Basic OEsssstYbladddd1asdsdasdsaOFMysdsd”}},“statusText”:""}
data null, why is it? it was working before…
if i make curl with it works fine