I have a series of questions which have radio answer choices. I can’t figure out how to use angular validation to require the user to select all answer before clicking save & next.
NOTE: Please note that click save & next button gets the next 5 question from the controller depending on what choice was made. It’s basically a dynamic questionnaire. Below is my code
.<ion-content id="testmodeCont" >
<div class="midCont mrgn0" >
<form #f="ngForm" class="login">
<div class="formCont">
<div *ngIf = "questionCategory == 'Diabetes'">
<div class="boxInCont" *ngFor="let question of AllQuestions | slice:numberOfQuestionsToDisplay:numberOfQuestionsToleft; let i = index">
<div *ngIf="mLanguageFlag === 'English'" >
<div class="heading" *ngIf="question.QuestionType=='dropdown'||question.QuestionType=='radio'||question.QuestionType=='toggle'|| question.QuestionType=='multiselect' ">
Q. {{question.QuestionText}}
<div *ngIf="mLanguageFlag === 'English'">
<div class="row mrgnB20" *ngIf="question.QuestionType=='radio'">
<div class="quetxt">
<ion-list radio-group [ngModelOptions]="{standalone: true}" [(ngModel)]="AllGroupAnswers[i].ExpectedAnswerId" >
<ion-item class="opteach" *ngFor="let answer of question.ExpectedAnswers">
<ion-label class="radioBox fr">{{answer.Answer}}
<ion-radio item-left [value]="answer.ExpectedAnswerId" (ionSelect)="ValueChanged(answer)">
<div *ngIf="mLanguageFlag === 'English'">
<ion-item class="row" *ngIf="question.QuestionType=='dropdown'">
<ion-select formControlName="option" okText="Okay" cancelText="Nah" placeholder= "{{'personal.select'|translate}}" interface = "alert">
<ion-option *ngFor="let answer of question.ExpectedAnswers" [value]="answer.Answer" (ionSelect)="ValueChanged(answer)">{{answer.Answer}}
<div class ="testbtn">
<ion-col align-self-center>
<button ion-button block color="button-color" class="prevBtn" type="submit" (click) = "previous()" *ngIf="previousState" >{{"Previous" | translate}}</button>
<ion-col align-self-end>
<button ion-button block color="button-color" class="saveBtn" type="submit" (click) = "next()" *ngIf="isDataLoad" >{{"Save & Next" | translate}}</button>
Please help me to sort out the problem.