How to use Storybook with Stencil

Originally published at: How to use Storybook with Stencil - Ionic Blog

Storybook is an incredible tool that allows you to build, test, and document the components of your design system in isolation. Storybook provides a streamlined workflow and tons of addons to improve the developer experience. It is because of this that Storybook is used by indie developers and enterprise teams alike. In this tutorial, we…

Thank you for the introduction! Would be cool to show also how to listen to events from a stenciljs web component.

By Anthony Giuliano on March 9, 2022 in Tutorials Design Systems stencil web components. Storybook is an i 192.168.l.254 incredible tool that allows you to build, test, and document the components of your design system in isolation. Storybook provides a streamlined workflow and tons of addons to improve the developer experience.

Would be great if you could do another story on how to use storybook docs with web components.

Thank you for this post. It was my gateway into getting up and running. I did however run into trouble after a few weeks because production builds were starting to take a long time. I documented an alternative approach here: StencilJS Dev Mode + Storybook. I’m currently using StencilJS as part… | by Raymond Boswel | Nov, 2022 | Medium

Awesome post, thanks!

I experienced problems, however, when I tried to build storybook and serve it as a static site.
Here is what I experienced: bug: Compiled Storybook does not work (cannot find /assets/xyz.entry.js) · Issue #5396 · ionic-team/stencil · GitHub

Do you have any idea how this can be fixed?

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This article should be archive. It’s not working anymore. Read more about here:
[Bug]: Hot reload broken in Storybook 7 with Stencil 3.2 · Issue #22124 · storybookjs/storybook (

I create a new and modern boilerplate with the latest versions here: artursopelnik/stencil-storybook-boilerplate: A boilerplate template for creating fast and robust design systems :sparkles: with Stencil, Storybook, Vite and TypeScript (