How to use Parse SDK with Ionic2 apps tutorial

I’m working on Ionic2 app with Parse server backend (new open source Parse backend). It was my first time connecting these 2 things together. It’s quite simple task when you know what you’re doing, but it took me some time to figure out how to make it work. And while I was trying to put all different pieces of information I’ve found all over the internet together, I was thinking it would be nice to have a step-by-step tutorial. But I couldn’t find any. So I wrote one. You can find it here:


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This does not work for me. But I found another solution.
After installing the package and the typings, I opened the index.js of the node-module ionic-gulp-scripts-copy and added 'node_modules/parse/dist/parse.min.js' to the defaultSrc array.
Then, in my index.html, I included the script above the cordova.js.
Now I just need to declare var Parse: any; in every Component I want to use the SDK in.
For example, in my app.ts:

import {Component} from '@angular/core';
import {Platform, ionicBootstrap} from 'ionic-angular';
import {StatusBar} from 'ionic-native';
import {TabsPage} from './pages/tabs/tabs';

import{LoginPage} from './pages/login/login';
declare var Parse: any;

  template: '<ion-nav [root]="rootPage"></ion-nav>',
export class MyApp {

  private rootPage: any;
  private parse;
  constructor(private platform: Platform) {
    //this.rootPage = TabsPage;
    this.rootPage = LoginPage;
    platform.ready().then(() => {
      console.log("Platform ready!");
      // Okay, so the platform is ready and our plugins are available.
      // Here you can do any higher level native things you might need.

      Parse.initialize('myStartUp', 'someKey');
      Parse.serverURL = 'http://localhost:1337/parse';


I do not think this is the way it should be used, but in the end I can use the SDK pretty easy and without much lines of implementation code.

@philste, Can you please provide more details? What exactly didn’t work? Thanks.

There is no node-modules/parse/node_modules/ws folder and var Parse = require('parse/node'); does not work, because require is unknown.

I’m not sure why node-modules/parse/node_modules/ws doesn’t exist in your environment. It definitely exists in mine.

require is unknown because you write in TS. My example is in JS. I should elaborate it better.

In any case, thank you for your feedback.

My parse folder consists of a lib and a dist folder, but no node_modules folder.

I think I figured it out. You are, most probably, using the newer version of Parse SDK. I wrote by blog post some time ago for the latest version at that time, which was 1.0.1. Now it’s 1.5.0. What version do you have?

In my package.json it says 1.9.1

Really? Interesting. Because npm web site says the latest version is 1.5.0:

And this is exactly what I have in my package.json if I install it from scratch.

How do you install it?

Okay I think i know what the point is. I installed the package “parse” and not “parse-sdk”.

It explains difference in versions. Anyway, I’m trying to figure out how to install sdk 1.5.0 with Ionic2. I’ll update my blog post when it works and will post it here.

@skydive did you manage to get the current version running?

No. Spent entire day on it, but didn’t manage to make it work so far. I’m planning to get back to it later though, when I have more time.

Did you guys get this working in the end?

@danielbenton32 Yes.

Please, see my comment here:

Best regards.

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It worked for me after some changes:
1-(cd node-modules/parse/node_modules/ws) this returned undefined location so I didnt cd to that location and preformed the othere two npm installs in the main project directory.
2-changed var Parse = require(‘parse/node’) to import {Parse} from ‘parse’;
3-changed Parse.initialize(‘your-app-name’,‘unused’, ‘master-key’); to Parse.initialize(‘appid’);
installed google chrome cross site origin enabler

Finally It worked :grinning:
Hope that helped you.


@imspikey Method Works for Latest Version 1.9.2

Did 3 steps he mentioned above. But didn’t installed plugin. Anyway Cross origin works.

It can be done using npm install parse --save in your project directory

Then import parse using

import { Parse } from 'parse';

It is better to create an parse provider.

You can use this starter template as a guide. It is a simple GameScores application in ionic to get you started.

It shows how to create and read data from parse server. I also includes paging with ion-infinite-scroll scrolling.