I have a blank ionic 2 project and there is a page with a list. When you click on a list item you should see the detail view of the item. Here are my list files:
<ion-navbar *navbar>
<ion-content padding class="list">
<ion-item *ngFor="let item of items" (click)="viewItem(item)">{{item.title}}</ion-item>
import {Component} from '@angular/core';
import {NavController} from 'ionic-angular';
import {ItemDetailPage} from '../item-detail/item-detail';
templateUrl: 'build/pages/list/list.html',
export class ListPage {
static get parameters() {
return [[NavController]];
constructor(nav) {
this.nav = nav;
this.items = [
{title: 'Hi1', description: 'whats up?'},
{title: 'Hi2', description: 'whats up?'},
{title: 'Hi3', description: 'whats up?'}
this.nav.push(ItemDetailPage, {
item: item
And here are my detail view files:
<ion-navbar *navbar>
<ion-content padding class="item-detail">
import {Component} from '@angular/core';
import {NavController, NavParams} from 'ionic-angular';
templateUrl: 'build/pages/item-detail/item-detail.html',
export class ItemDetailPage {
static get parameters() {
return [[NavController]];
constructor(navParams: NavParams) {
this.navParams = navParams;
this.title = this.navParams.get('item').title;
this.description = this.navParams.get('item').description;
When I use “ionic serve” I get the following message:
SyntaxError: C:/…/app/pages/item-detail/item-detail.js: Unexpected token (18:23) while parsing file: …
So I think the constructor of the detail view dont work this way. But I found nowhere something what could help me. I think this solution is deprecated because the tutorial I found is from 2015. But like I said, I didnt found something usefull about it. My Ionic Framework Version is 2.0.0-beta.8