How to use Native Storage to Add to Cart functionnality?

I need to Store Cart Items to Native Storage and restore them into Cart Component

So , I use Native Storage offer by Ionic , i need to send item ( image , model-name ) into storage but in array of object not ( object ) and get them with getter function in array and display the array in the Cart Component
the problem is : how to define the value of key as array and set the array … and in second time to restore this array in get function
my code Setter :

public storeItem(): void {



  Model: this.Model,

  Image: this.Image



  () => console.log('Item successfuly saved!'+this.Model+this.Image),

  error => console.error('Error storing item', error)


type or paste code here

and Getter function :

 public getCartItems(): void {

      data => {
        console.log("CART COMPONENT BEGIN...");


      error => console.error(error)

So what problems are you facing with this code?

And why are you stringify-ing the data obtained before pushing into the array? That makes the data object imho less accessible.

when pushing 2nd element , in html list show only 2nd element and 1st element disapear

my problem is when pushing 2nd element , in html list show only 2nd element and 1st element disapear ?

it show only the last element pushed