How to use methods of cordova facebook plugin

I am using Facebook plugin ( ) of Cordova. I am using this plugin with ionic framework. I am all done with installing this plugin on android. I have created an appId and the app is under development. So for the testing I am using test user generated in - I want to share a feed on Facebook but I am not able to do that. I am checking getLoginStatus method and on its success I want to post a feed. Here is my code

  $scope.getFbLoginStatus = function(){
   .then(function(success) {  
     alert("Logged In");
     $scope.shareFeed = function(){
     $cordovaFacebook.showDialog({method: "feed", link:"", caption: "Here is the caption"
  .then(function(success) {
     alert("check whether image shared or not" );
     // success
   }, function (error) {
    alert("image not shared");
    // error
   }, function (error) {
   alert("Permission denied");

I have not used facebook SDK as it was not listed in the installation steps. I want to implement Facebook feed dialog using ionic framework. Please help me and suggest where I am going wrong.