How to use custom plugin in ionic 2 beta37

I never had a problem with cordova custom plugin ( ZPL printer over tcpip) for ionic2@beta.19, however when I upgrade to beta 37 it does fail. the custom plugin that i am using cordova.plugins.zebra.tcp.printer.ZplOverTcpIp.print(ip, bclables) doesn’t work.

on ionic server start it throws an TypeScript error Error TS2304: Cannot find name ‘cordova’.

because of this error in beta.37 doesn’t load the ionic app at all and just show blank ionic lab page… I did not had problem with .19

i tried (window).CustomPlugin.method() and window.plugin.myPlugin.myMethod()

nothing works. my App suppose to go prod. Its on hold because of this issue… any advise would be great help.

We figured if we can add our custom plugin to ionic-native ,this could work.But it requires us t submit PR.
We want to know how much time it takes to complete PR and make it available under ionic-native.

we are coming closer to our prod release and stuck on this issue.
Please advise…