I have used CrossWalk chromeview on Android. Keyboard showing on input focus works fine on ios but doesn’t work on android. I have tried almost every options I could find. Since I am an android programmer, I edited java files and tried many possible solutions from stackoverflow.
I forked the ionic keyboard project and added a Keyboard.show() method to it for those cases that an auto focus does not pop up a keyboard on Android devices. You can find it here:
I also sent a pull request to the Ionic guys to potentially update the official plugin
Can you suggest how this gets added into the app? From another post i tried simple using:
cordova plugin add https://github.com/basvanbeek/ionic-plugins-keyboard.git
to add to my app. this does add a plugins/com.ionic.keyboard folder.
but then how to add into app. from another post i found all that was needed was to add:
in my $ionicPlatform.ready(function() {}; but when i do this all i get is console is “cordova is not defined”
Is there any way to display the keyboard with a specific input type? cordova.plugins.Keyboard.show() only displays alphanumeric. How about number or tel?