I’m building wallpaper app.
Is there any ionic method to implement set as wallpaper of image in ionic app?
I tried using cordova-plugin-wallpaper plugin to set an image inside ionic app(ionic card tag) as wallpaper on my device.Link to cordova plugin: https://www.npmjs.com/package/cordova-plugin-wallpaper
After installing using “cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-wallpaper” command in command prompt project location.I tried using plugin function
window.plugins.wallpaper.setImage(string /* image path */);
to set image i stored in my www image folder.But when i click on button to set as wallpaper its showing “
Cannot read property ‘wallpaper’ of undefined”
Is there any other way to set image as wallpaper in ionic? OR How to use this cordova plugin to set wallpaper from an image in ionic?
Help me solving this as i’m losing hope in this.
Thanking in advance.