I am using an ion-searchbar
and want to restrict the length of a string that can be entered. I have tried the maxlength which works for the ion-input, how can we do the same for the filter?
Thanks in advance!
I am using an ion-searchbar
and want to restrict the length of a string that can be entered. I have tried the maxlength which works for the ion-input, how can we do the same for the filter?
Thanks in advance!
Maybe what you can do is build a custom directive as follows:
import { Directive, Input, HostListener } from '@angular/core';
Generated class for the LimitTo directive.
See https://angular.io/docs/ts/latest/api/core/index/DirectiveMetadata-class.html
for more info on Angular 2 Directives.
selector: '[limit-to]' // Attribute selector
export class LimitTo {
@Input('limit-to') limitTo;
constructor() {
//HostListener decorator handle event handlers for input (onKeyPress)
@HostListener('keypress', ['$event'])
onkeypress(ev) {
const limit = +this.limitTo; //convert to number
// once it reaches the limit set, stop propgating event.
if (ev.target.value.length === limit) {
import in the declarations array in app.module. Then you can use it in the html component for example to limit the number of characters to 8 as follows:
<ion-searchbar [limit-to]='8' (ionInput)="getItems($event)"></ion-searchbar>
See if it works.
Maybe you can try using the ionInput event the same way. But the advantage with a directive is that once you have build it, it is reusable across your application.
Hi ashley_shookhye,
It worked Thanks
Great, thankyou very much, yes works perfectly!
I’d imagine copy/pasting would defy this. Along with doing ev.preventDefault()
, I’d set the value of the input to be substr(0, limit)
as well as listening to some other events, I don’t believe keypress
gets activated by a paste.
Can you show your solution?
Solution for this is check in input type is copy paste then substring it and set the new value in ngModel
<ion-searchbar [limit-to]=‘8’ placeholder=“Search…” showCancelButton color=“primary” [animated]=“true” (ionInput)=“onInput($event)” [(ngModel)]=“newVal”>
Angular Code
onInput(e) {
if (e.inputType == ‘insertFromPaste’) {
this.newVal= e.target.value.substring(0, 10);
it is working fine in browser but not working in mobile