How to set a default page?

I’m developing an Ionic 3 PWA and I using the new Lazy Load and Page decorator.

If I access my app via will get into home page. But if I access I will get only the side menu. It’s because I not have a default “route” sice “route”.
config is in the Page decorator of each page.

How to set a default page in my app if it’s not set an URL segment in the link to open my app?

I am using rootPage variable in app.compenent.ts to declare the root page.

I hope it helps. Here’s an example usage:

export class MyApp {
  //Since you are using lazy loading you have to use type of string for the rootPage
  rootPage:any = "HomePage";

Thanks for reply.

Unfortunattely it’s not loading my home page.

Solved! It was not working because I removed the main attribute from ion-nav.

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