I’ve a checkbox in Popover. Once it is checked and I close the checkbox and when I open the popover again it is unchecked.
How I can save the checkbox even after restarting my application?
Best Regards
I’ve a checkbox in Popover. Once it is checked and I close the checkbox and when I open the popover again it is unchecked.
How I can save the checkbox even after restarting my application?
Best Regards
Anyone there to reply?
Post your code snippet
I would imagine a boolean, an array of values, and the storage module of your choosing could combine to make that happen
I want the checkbox checked even after popover is closed. Currently checkbox gets unchecked when I close the popover.
Here is the code:
<ion-list class="popover-items">
<ion-checkbox (click)="activateEnglish()"></ion-checkbox>
In ion-checkbox, put checked=“value”
In popover.ts,
value: boolean=false
value= true
I tried this but it is not working.
Please anyone else have the solution?
you should store it in localstorage
How can I save checkbox state in localStorage? I tried to find similar solution but I couldn’t get it.
Myself I achieve this in this way: (By using global variables, this is not the correct way, but I couldn’t think of an other way)
I create an configProvider
import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { Storage} from "@ionic/storage";
export class ConfigProvider {
public englishActivated: boolean;
constructor(private storage: Storage) {
this.storage.ready().then(() => {
this.storage.get('englishActivated').then((val) => {
this.englishActivated = val;
import configprovider and add ngbind popover.ts
//import configProvider
<ion-list class="popover-items">
<ion-checkbox [(ngModel)]="configProvider.englishActivated" (click)="activateEnglish()"></ion-checkbox>
and inside of your activateEnglish function you should also make sure the new state is being saved to storage
this.storage.ready().then(() =>
this.storage.set('activateEnglish',boolean true / boolean false)
Hey man!
I tried this solution many times but I get an error that
Runtime error Cannot read property of "englishActivated".
I now see I set the value activateEnglish but I get englishActivated, make the setted and the getted value the same, whichever you like, and you error should be gone.