I tried keeping margin-top and padding top to 0px …still it remains !!
Can you paste your markup, or maybe a codepen example of this?
I am not sure how to do that since this happens in templates which are in different files.
Still… its not different from starter ionic app with side menus. Its the same.
I just changed the view title and content background to show the space in one of the views.
I’m not seeing it: http://codepen.io/brandyshea/pen/myaEeQ
What CSS did you use to change the background?
I don’t how is t reacting so differently…
<ion-view view-title="Feedback" >
<ion-content style="background:blue;" >
Like this…
and default ionic css…!! i have other css which has only a custom badge and button style… for other view.
I have not added any padding or margin to content anywhere…
@brandyshea Done solved it.
in menu.html
my nav bar was like this:
<ion-nav-bar class="bar-custom">
It was supposed to be like this
<ion-nav-bar class="bar bar-custom">
I missed the .bar class while making my custom one. as soon as i added it it was solved.
well thanks for the help…